Westboro Baptist Church plans to Picket Steve Jobs Funeral


Members of the controversial Westboro Baptist church better known for their extremely distasteful campaign against homosexuality though the picketing the funerals of US servicemen killed in action have announced that they will be targeting the funeral of Steve Jobs.

The group, best known for their rainbow “God hates fags” signs and web page, are claiming the action is in response to Jobs not using his wealth to promote their interpretation of the Bible and for Apple being consistently voted one of the most gay-friendly employers. The group’s grievances and its original protest plans were posted from iPhones, something the Twittersphere has been quick to point out.

WestBoro Baptist Church members using iPhones to tweet. - Picture from TheRegister


“We’re not against technology; we’re against using it to promote what God hates”, said Megan Phelps-Roper, granddaughter of the church’s founder Fred Phelps, before tweeting a picture of the group using their iPhones at a protest.

It will be interesting to see what happens when grieving Apple Fanboi’s clash with them over the  desecration of their beloved leader’s funeral..

Assuming of course that anyone can get past the immense security perimeter that will almost certainly surround the funeral.

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